
Showing posts from January, 2014

Books are like magic portals.

I have a witness

The main truth about our world today as I see it

Made big gains in January..

How did I write around 5,000 pieces in such a short time.

Touchy Subject

A Thought

Dear Picasso,

Today I had an adventure

Dear Shakespeare,

Passions do happen.

Cancer Scare!

Seems like all thumbs are up.

Platonic romance.

I am against religion for the most part.

Jack never climbed to the top of the bean stalk.

Fun fun..

The story continues.

The harsh reality is that sometimes things really are that bad.

Hopes come crashing in.

Victims need not become victimizers!

In a wave

I really do believe there are some Angels of great power.

Art has only a few themes (Please prefer the second line)


Perhaps the spirit of neglect is the most dangerous thing of all.

Seems like people really are more like me in the east bay then I thought they were.

Humans can not turn ouselves into mutants and expect to be happy.

I don't know where I'm going.

Moving on?

Just you

Snide Sam

It all begins outside an Indian restaurant!!

Sinking States

Emerging States

Tatoo subculture.

Finding peace helps with lonliness.

I need the society

The idea that a new year is promising is not to be taken very seriousely.

I see a constant with newpaper stories

Provincialism does not always work to the benifit of someone.

Down Town Frisco is dollar chasing mainly.

Soon it will make more sense.

Can we agree on this?

Discovered an actual piece.

Same barista yells at me over people in front of me asking what I want to order.

Barista tries to steal a dollar from customer then plays guilt song on shirt.

Perhaps there is a desire to look beyond the belly button and below the belly button.

Local cafe makes enormous improvements!

At least it is sustainable here.


The bay Area may offer some different stuff but also many wrong ways to go in.

How fast moving is the grape vine in Berkeley?

A good coffee shop increases window space for increased light.

I observe Whole Foods Lately

Twenty year old guys posing as kings.

It is not a sexual itch that should drive high cosumer spending.

Seems like rising the city up is not so very easy.