
Showing posts from October, 2015

Oops I tricked Halloween into a different reality!?

Had surgery today, send me some love.

New Troll says you are the lowest form of life while I am far csuperior to you, but I will get away with stealing your information to bolster my rating. Ha ha ha!

Who are your selfies.

Remove the unique and the crazy from the arts and society will have new problems, believe it or not?

Oops Alice had imagined a duck while the bird was a goose.

I changed my mind about GOOGLE as on the side of good, but need more older, more experienced people to keep an eye on thongs. I mean things.

Alice was being chased by the duck, as she was not very obedient.

In an intentional experiment playing with thoughts on past and future in 3-4:days a person may shift time as a theory, something relevant changes.

Don't just be, but be super special!

Fuck! I forgot my brain! said the duck!

Does anyone want head to head action who blogs like me?


I am curious about

My current state of affairs:

The One Eyed Green Swede Night was offered a pickle and thanked him for that.

America is likely having problems and how can they be the love to fix them

Stars, raindrops, lollipops, ran to the next stop, ran further, she opened the door.

The very thing is not to love drama, and to watch it is also to invite it and seek it.

Thinking is either an action or a problem otherwise it is a giant suck monster.

An idea:

Highs on what?

People assume they know things, when often they don't!!!

To the deeper heart is the greater mystery.

Nothing is possible until it's done.

While fighting trolls online remember to use the special armpit hold!


Somethings are meant to be.

Moose was feeling something new.

Mostly Moose on Sunday.

I know you all want to see my Harry Potter Scar I got as a toddler..

Be kindness..

A little change.

I don't deal in stupidities

This word

Red the Sublime

Cupid you silly guy.


Lonely cynical guy searching for cute space alien to date.

Softly Spectacular

Moments go up..

We can be a community...

There is more to life than fear...

Break the cycle of stupidity!

As imagination can!

Thank you Nancy Pelosi!

Treasure Chests?

Fundamental flaw in current age: Faust like desire for "important" information.

Fundamental flaw in current age: Faust like desire for "important" information.

A top five strange adventure am willing to dive into, pray it is the CHOICE.. Im there.

Are some women still having Darth Vader fantasies?!!

yellow green discoveries happened three times! Am I alone in making discoveries? Now I can't look at these colors the same way again? WTF

Sit before me and comfortably look into my eye for love. there we see it, not so difficult.

Is the main problem computers in regards to my question?


Can an entire demographic brain wash itself in an almost absolute way?

An entire population seems to have brain washed itself?

Never was a labrinth so challenging.

The letters in our alphabet have a fault. At least one letter is very problematic.

I know that I know very little, as we would be wise to admit.

The last chances of the Universe are now.

Egad a battle, hark bark yea.

I censored a blog post this morning since I was afraid it would stir people up a lot

For a good time eat at Wendy.

How is it possible that Mrs.Piggy will be my new yoga instructor? Is this for real?

So the chicken told me he was not a duck and he eas ready for me, but first yoga time, finger painting and bongos.

Even with lowered expectations the world still can get unfair and even brutal.

"Doing the best you can" sounds shallow and almost meaningless.

"Doing the best you can" sounds shallow and almost meaningless.

I don't think political correctness prevents bigrotry, but often just tries to keep it hidden.

Then nose was gliding across the clouds making mucus come down. What a real surfer guy.

The bath of life gets widened or dries up

Photography using a blue lense?!