
Showing posts from April, 2009

Does a really bad person who isn't punished by the community really show just how bad things have got.

Love is the work we are on.

Jewish soldiers should all be required to wear metal skull caps.

I wonder what would happen if we stopped worshiping God and started worshiping the Cheese God instead?

Americans just love their hot dogs and hamburgers.

If hobbits actually do have hairy feet have they been touching themselve's there.

We should stop messing around and let the canaries have it.

I'm a jew and I'm thinking I'm from another planet.

If you're throwing turds at people you might consider getting a new hobby.

If you don't have anything really to say try keeping your mouth shut.

Sex is for suckers.

I'm not sure how I feel about running into people I don't like in this here small town.

I don't see the moral benits of torture.

Bad guys are just too high on twinkies.

By golly it's a bright sunny day to go out and play.

Huge tax cuts for the rich, corperate hand outs, oil wars killing millions, torture, Christian extremism, Fox News, Rush Limbeu, Huge military budget.

The idea that our country tortured people tortures my mind. To me torture is more evil than terrorism.

If Rush was forced to eat his own words he would have died of obesity by now.

I think the world would be a better place if Bush and his cronies were put in space.

What kind of egg head do you want me to be?

England is loved by this site.

Critics often have bad judgment, which is maybe why they feel a need to criticize.

We can hate someone we love.

Does everyone shove their foot in there mouth every so often?

Are some grudges worth holding onto?

Would someone tell me how to detect a lie or a liar.

Never walk into the lions mouth unless you happen to be a good lion killer.

I have GAD

There are angels amongst us.


I'm an authentic interesting aware guy!!!

Big shots get there by selling their soul to a large degree.

Stupidity is the biggest threat in America.

Will it be peace or war?

Since Bush didn't like reading much,

America now has a second chance to get things right.

American Image in the world is being restored by President Obama.

We torture our cows, but we shouldn't torture human beings.

Republican noise machine covered up the Bush Torture Machines.

I think Bush and his Buddies have a lock on the minds of people with all the garbage that they read and hear on the radio.

Raise the bar or you might get barred.

Get nice oh society!



Peace is always sufficient.

Greed may not be noble.

Oh, how difficult it is to really make it that you just stop trying and follow the rules.

Being around folk like me feels good.

I think that "Spirituality" can have the same greed and manipulation as religion.

Selfishness is not a winning strategy.

There is a difference between observing and judging.

I did well at the cel.

I would compare our economy to a melting pepsi slurpie.

Robots deserve life too.

Sex is fun.

Be sweet.

I can be in love fine.