If I could invent my own super hero for comic form:

Transportation would be key

I think he/she would have some uncanny sense of time, so to be an actual time traveler.  Note that his body never travels.  Time traveling as not like the normal idea of that found in time machines.  This hero has no such device, and has no wish to leave the current reality.  His ability to time travel means something different as something to learn about and attempt by trials and tests.  So as a character his perception is not normal.  This is not a matter of past lives, but seeing a complex universe which rotates on almost maybe a single point in time and secondary points in time and so on and so on. The hero's time traveling has dangers of it's own, which create slightly abstract villains who may be more real than a normal costumed villian.

But really his Name is Super Kale Man.

His purpose is very real to him but he is not exactly sure what it is except the need to remain a hero which is difficult in a world that would rather not have hero's usually.