Issue of our times
Not to stress you out but stress is becoming a stress where perhaps before it just might have meant you had extra mojo or something. Obviously stress is not like cocaine with no real side effects, it does not usually improve performance and give you the edge on your competition. As many people are finding out stress is dangerous sometimes. So let us not glorify something that can destroy our lives please!!! Learn non extreme ways of lowering your blood pressure and creating a healthy balance in your life with out resorting to super person stress effects on your nervous system. A person can be calm and still do awesome things. Pretending that stress has no bad effects you even if you have that insane believe does not change the facts about stress. So steady your rhythm and do some basic meditation and know that even though things seem complex they can also be as simple as a drink of water or something like that.
Not to stress you out but stress is becoming a stress where perhaps before it just might have meant you had extra mojo or something. Obviously stress is not like cocaine with no real side effects, it does not usually improve performance and give you the edge on your competition. As many people are finding out stress is dangerous sometimes. So let us not glorify something that can destroy our lives please!!! Learn non extreme ways of lowering your blood pressure and creating a healthy balance in your life with out resorting to super person stress effects on your nervous system. A person can be calm and still do awesome things. Pretending that stress has no bad effects you even if you have that insane believe does not change the facts about stress. So steady your rhythm and do some basic meditation and know that even though things seem complex they can also be as simple as a drink of water or something like that.