Uplifting thoughts and this blog endorse Obama and the democrats for the near future.
I am not convinced at all the the conservatives have altered themselves into a new conservative party. They seem up to the same old same old that got us into trouble when Bush was in office.
I am not a giant fan of Obama, but given the option he seems like a better one, plus I have gotten very comfortable with the feeling of hope and optimism that he brings to my life. I like how he seems like a born leader, even if there are areas where I disagree with him. I don't worry that he is going to pick pocket Americans like the very corporate Republicans are likely to do. How quickly we forget the damage done before Obama was in office. He is not to blame for that.
My only wish for Obama is that he makes the government more user friendly for the people and less of a head ache.
My wish for the Republicans is more innovation and creativity in a positive direction. I am a bit conservative and would love to see a transformed conservative way of doing things, especially in social reforms to stop some of the violence in the world. A new slower more brilliant way of decision making that I think conservatives are very capable of if they are not so concerned about getting elected and acting like pigs while in power. Sorry if that insults, but pride and power lead to more corruption. It is time to put our brains together and get the important jobs of the Government done. This can not be a like a game show anymore. I need to know that government is doing all it can to serve the people.
If Obama does not show his desire to serve the people I might protest vote by not voting and not supporting either party. Again this should not resemble a game show!!!