What turning 44 means to me.

I think I have more power to make my life more successful.   Money really being a small part at this point in that.  At 44 I have gained some perspective.  I know that in a way I need to attack each day, but be very concerned when I am attacked by others through verbal abuse and/or intimidation.  This so called "natural behavior" is by no means a norm, but a minority behavior.   Even if this is a large minority that does not make going after people like a predator acceptable.  Never treat people like objects is what it comes down to.  We all have a precious heart in our chest, a soul, and we deserve freedom from hostility.  It is our right and if we are not given that right it is up to us to fix the problem by any means, but with out being a predator to the predator.  That only creates an intense shakespherian revenge cycle.  Please discuss this problem with a friend if you too have become or are becoming a victim.  This is nothing to sneeze at!!!  In attacking the day I go for the question of can I establish friendliness with others or an other.   Can warmth be a normal part of my life, especially in the company of others?  How am I to feel good about myself?  Or really love myself in who I am and my relationship with myself?  Also if decievers and and zombie like people exist and even my own demons can I shatter them like glass in the ethers?  Can I feel alive even in deathly environments, that I have the will to overcome any obstacle?  That I only make small compromises, and keep my electrical current strong and powerful?   That I am a force for the good and for progress and a being of light.