A gentle reminder.

Do many people experience more than 90% of their communications electronically and maybe at least 50% of their expiences through technology?
That would be a radical reality change from thirty years ago which wasn't to long ago.
If what we are putting our attention to gets effected on an atomic level would it be safe to say that on a level we are not aware of we are being influenced by the very technology we are using.

This would mean that within our heart, soul, mind, spirit there is a silicon chip which nature never intended to be there.   That with this change we are mutating to some degree in ways that even science may not be able to explain.   Already many of us live in cement cities composed of grids with evenly planted trees and cement sidewalks delinated by squares, surrounded by many buildings which are rectangular and square some which are strip malls and franchises and corperations.
Just some food for thought.