Men seem to expect equality with other men for the most part. That includes the assumption sometimes that all men are equally unhappy. Never equally happy. I see that when a man is happy other men feel maybe disrespected. As if there was some kind of pact that we were brought in this world to be in equal misery with each other. As this is a comfort to many men that we all share this experience it is the status-quo for many it seems.
The King Is Dead
As long as a man keeps his stoic sense of misery it seems that he will be well liked and respected by all men for the most part. We comform then to this unhappy focus of who we are as men to some extent causing happiness to be found largely in negative topics: like politics or something disliked otherwise. I say men like this (Many) should at least get out of the swamp and move into the forest.
Summer at Willow Lake
To be men we should not forget that we were once boys. And that playing meant more than throwing a ball into a mitt or something like that. There was you at a time when you were more curious perhaps about what you might do and become and what great experiences awaited you. Should that boy get lost in the adult world than do not blame others or become bitter or bring people down to your level. Men can be like Gods in a state of passion and enthusiasm. The idea that logic and being right will give you the power is the other common game which is absurd. And the power. It all comes down to that. I suppose it is natural to want power, even plants strive to grow better roots and be in more sunlight. Power though obtained at the expense (harm or abuse) of another person is the most worldly corrupt and highly consequential thing we do as humans. Had we known how sensitive we are and that what goes around comes around we would maybe not be in the mess we are in. People may think they can get away with murder real or not, but harm can flood a well faster than people realize with deep pains (emotional or physical).
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
That numb sense of greeting another man is in the totall knowing that joy is very unlikely. That joyless is the undertone, and that is why it is so hard sometimes to be really happy when it becomes expected that your face is always poker style.
See yourself as an ever expanding cirle of light and the darkness should not venture towards you nor you to it.