Age is not a curse but a blessing because it gives us experience and wisdom and inner development sometimes with some people.

I was at a bar on the night before my forty second birthday in a good mood and said to the bartender.  "I have lived a full life and I intend to have the rest of my life to be full as well."   Five seconds later the wine glass smashed in my hand and I went to the hospitable to get stitches and a tetnis shot.   These words will be words to remember.  How often have people gotten old and not done much living in their later years?  I bet the truth to this question would be staggering and a bit depressing.   Things to do to not have a life which is lacking in fullness.
1.  Get to spend time with the kind of people I enjoy being around.
2.  Sex is always a form of the times in a life.
3.  Have adventures.
4.  Take on interesting challenges.  Especially creative.
5.  Explore the cutting edge things in this world.
6.  Be a dynamo person.
7.  Don't get caught in the trap of technology.
8.  Be a better navigator of the horrors of life.
9.  Enjoy the visual world.
10.  Be commiting to my spiritual life.