What is different about the last days of the year?

The idea that things come to an end and new things begin.  New thoughts about our purpose on life might become more clear.  We seek closure in some areas of our life.  It can be a time that lowers our spirits.  But it still inspires fresh new hopes for new beginnings.  Dreams may begin to form and old dreams can get out dated.  Reality can become more crisp in our mind.  Old friends start to look like better friends sometimes, yet tensions socially can rise, as can tension in general, stress can make us do weird things, gifts don't always seem to come from the heart yet we repeat this lame tradition, we may feel like giving up, perhaps being a bit down in the dumps of winter is not the end of the world, that the dark only hides the light, and the sad facts of life are not everything, as at least there are some good things, some which are very sparkly and are not diamonds, but love and peace.  Though with peace, things tend to grow as if it were the seed.  Madness from cold dark snow is just a poor place to go.  We can not please everyone.  Good things come when you are not always looking for them.  You never know.