Concerning health care.

If you are angry and yelling do you know the complexities of health care legislation and do you want many people to die. If you are upset by people who are yelling with out detailed information to carry the day, why aren't you counter-protesting a hell of a lot more to make your voice be heard. At least in the effect to say shut up, and where did you get your information and why are you so sure that you are right and why are the democrats so absolutly evil lets say, and why must the republicans always get shown on the tube, newspaper, radio as the good guys. I dare anyone to hear what has to say about this whole mess. It seems that angry people can't be reasoned with of course. Though you can always try to get them to site their sources as coming from someone with a certian bias and intent which may not be a part of their own individual thinking. When the going gets tough the smart must use their minds and pencils to fight for sanity.