
Showing posts from July, 2016

I'm so sexy I can melt your house just by looking at it!

Ever since Goat has arrived on the scene things have been happier!

You are my sunshine!

Stealing other people's glory is not cute!

Soon to read Hammilton, watch, and listen. (Promise)

Take a hint!

Furious creator of famous salami demands spiritual redemption and a return of his bkoiated ego!

Because of her belief in black holes she received larger nipples!

My nipples are getting stronger with joy!

Climbing out of a hole is never easy!

Today might be very fun!

Deeper in chums!

There is a giant dog humping your leg!

If you don't have a vagina! Then..

The spider trapped all life forms!

People who are expert liars are evil!

If you wish to exit...

Man Machine!

Dumber than ever!

The food was free of so much bad stuff that it was basically air.

Fly and groove little guy!

Keeping an eye on the prize just means not to forget the super special experiences and believe the world has plenty if you are awake to the possible nearly impossibles.

Juno-Planet Eater devours Jupiter!


If your wife begins to control your breathing, heart rate, and ability to walk straight consider change!

As a result of the group hug a trophy fell into my lap!

Brexit was maybe fun for exciting day, that will last a life time. The pulling out method never worked!