
Showing posts from January, 2016

I trust the patriotism of the American people more than Bernie Sanders Socialism as a progressive force. I see chronic disempowerment if he is elected.

I read a poem in Chico once at an open mike, surprised that some empathic teens could relate and hung out with me.

Turn into Rush Limburger cheese!

January I developed a new fire ball which is both irresistible and smoking! Your brain is too good so thing about faeries constantly. Hang with some folks and be very cool. Skip the ice freak demons for a while. Hold me tight in your writhing arms of delight, candy my apple tree, throw the letter M at your worst enemies, tune the machine for electric baboon, solve puzzles with long hungry learning longing skin cream! Oh yea, Oh yea!

Token Minorities are used to cover up the central issue of power and dominance that ruling white men protect with the perks and prvilages also. Fake inclusion fools no one anymore!

About half of the trolling done to me is Jewish related.

Today Jews face the worst hatred by some students at some universities as did Jews before world war two, but then it was the Jewish professors who felt it most. Fact.

So Mark what do you think of prejudice forwards Jews, ummm I have met people who have never met Jews with a fairly strong hatred and looking at my tipping practices with my horror as to why?

I am interested in an Odyssey of a Jew that reincarnates from the beginning of the Silver Age to the present feeling out of place for thousands of years.

Is this what you want to know?

Because of the Odyssey by Homer literature can never claim to be superior to verse. Insecurity concerning the Odyssey has existed for thousands of years until the twentieth century. This insecurity is now restored! Ha!

I write each poem with the desire that it could make it into my top ten and this could be very competitive with any nemesis.

Is poetry intellectual?

I also love Virgil!

How math enters into my poetry:

The academy appears to respond less defensively in terms of going more "Modern"

The keen killer declared innocence and a helping hand as no gun to trrgger was traced to his finger often reaching with a list for achieving..then paint and wool this criminal nicely fools with hired tools!

Worth is internal.

If this is a matrix we live in perhaps yellow light is a clue?

Glash: Glass being hit without breaking.

The night is young as a dying sun, in time rust gathers with the dust, so feathers also fall on faults by mistakes we remember, then disgard , but then another!

Radio conspiracy is gushy, but not wet.

We drink powerful coffee to work a lot.

O trump, Trump, wherefore art thou Trump?

I have Romeo and Juliet and Anthony and Cleopatra with me today.

Any city that is based on street smarts is idiotic.

Today I went upwards and things are looking up for a change.👦

Creepy skeletator sound bites deathly kooks constantly.

Don't assume poetry is about Sylvia Plath, or self wonder at your depth, so special to be a poet? Nay, a child must love it, and anyone is a poet, dummy!


Great ambition succeeds, but not like great hearts. Still lion love kinds get the real glory in life.

Suddenly there she was!

Tell me why dead poets should be more read than living ones?

No poetry new year resolution is possible and the censorship will continue, expect poets like me to be mocked.

Poetry gripped hard in the hands of the Elite is the death of poetry.

I don't think David Bowie would want a cult of grief around his death with years of melodramic mourning!

I don't know what strikes me..

Finding my way was fun though it was a bit frisky😿

Time warps on!

TS Eiot is this a wasteland I see before me?

She made rainbows out of brain farts.

Stay in beauty and a tad absurd to feel to:

Poetry improves sexual life. Fact.

Writing poetry that does not sound too introspective increases self confidence. For real.

Growth is slow in key areas and I might feel forced to "Suees" opportunity!

Instead of disguising yourself as a fruit bat:

To move is to constant, into brave movements, faster now, reaching the atmosphere, cracking fear like knuckles.

The note was bloodied in robbery to hide such stain in steam and drunk glass shattered into Hamlets arms, so to find a heart.

I create to learn about me and the universe which we say has nothing but world there, yet as pricked by hair pins the substance breaks then doors appear and open.

If you wish to fight me with you might you shall face yourself and run like hell.

The world is full of lions and tears in the sand coupled with a light circus pulsating pink and tangerine for quenching lovelies in their lily dresses fingers outstretched in sweet tendernes.

How are things moving...

Taylor Swift is a poet also!

Now Bill Hole felt something crawling on his chest then his sweat faded!

Don't try to make a bliss of your life if you intend to write.

If we lose the American Dream we will make a new one!

Thin vegans to become supreme hamburgers.

Getting older I find being more open minded essential to my survival so young people listen up please.

You can write as good as Shakesphere, but not in one day!

Safety laws usually make us less safe ironically!

No way to executive action on guns!? This is America last I checked.

Summery in Summertime?

I don't know what physists say about the general weirdness of how we experience being aware or not that aware?

Science decides to persue curiosity☺️

Main Colors make us aware of something?

Today is the birthday of JRR Tolkien!